Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Chinese State Administration of Taxation said on its Web site last week that China will impose a personal income tax of 20% on profit from virtual money. See article from WSJ Virtual Money

The proposed tax will also target individuals who use virtual currencies so this might affect transactions in Second Life too.

Now - the virtual career fair

GAX Technologies is organizing a third virtual recruitment event on May 28,2009. Called 'Working Worlds' it will open in Second Life with an international dimension. Some of the biggest employers in Europe will attend and receive candidates in their virtual offices.

This new method of recruitment enables candidates from all over the world to meet potential employees. At this time more than 3,500 candidates from all over Europe have submitted their CVs online. At the last career fair, more than 2,900 visitors attended, 2,767 candidates filed their CVs and 600 official interviews took place. For more information visit Working Worlds.

Update on the College Fair in SL

The virtual world of Second Life was the venue for an international college fair which attracted an estimated 9-12,000 visitors over the week long event. The fair which began on 16 November brought together 37 educational institutions from North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific to provide opportunities for prospective students to explore the many programs on offer and get to know more about the institutions represented. Visitors to the college fair came from many countries, with the majority (47%) from the United States, and significant numbers of attendees from the UK, Germany, Spain, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.

The first day consisted of virtual seminars given by representatives of some of the institutions, with the remainder of the weekend available for individual consultations with college representatives. Universities and colleges were able to create informational displays about their institutions and meet informally to talk with visitors. The organizers (University of Kentucky, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and Johnson & Wales University) said that attendance was strong throughout the fair period and their survey of participants indicated that, ‘representatives appreciated the large display size, the quality of the displays created by each institution, the opportunity to “network” with other educators involved in Second Life, the presentations, and the support provided by fair organizers.’

The School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University was pleased to take part in this innovative event, and to join other institutions such as Cornell University, Georgia State University, Ohio State University, University of Florida and the University of West Scotland. As an experiment in promoting ‘real’ educational programs in the virtual world it was definitely of value, and something to consider repeating in the future, particularly in attracting overseas students to the university.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Torley's Guide to Making Movies in Second Life!

A very good guide to making movies in Second Life from Torley. Tutorials cover:
  • How to optimize performance
  • Which recording tools you can use
  • Hiding the interface
  • Changing sky + water settings
  • Avatar movement
  • Where to host your video

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Creating Engaging and Interactive Online Nursing, Medical, and other Courses

A very helpful posting from John Miller on Creating Engaging and Interactive Online Nursing, Medical, and other Courses

John mentions the use of
different Web 2.0 tools to engage the students as well as his use of Second Life.

College Fair - Second Life

College Fair at Alliance Virtual Library!

Hong PolyU, along with almost 40 colleges and universities set up their exhibition booths on Info Island on Sunday November 16th to meet potential students. Students came to discuss course offerings, admission and financial aid requirements, college life and other information to help them with the college selection process. The fair was held at: Alliance Virtual Library


  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Hotel & Tourism Management
  • The University of Akron
  • East Tennessee State University
  • St John’s University
  • Berkeley College
  • NY College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Penn State World Campus
  • Darton College
  • University of North Carolina at Pembroke
  • University of the West of Scotland
  • Rio Salado College
  • University of the Incarnate Word
  • Saint Leo University
  • Great Northern Way Campus
  • Jacksonville State University
  • Seton Hall Law School
  • University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
  • Bradford College (UKRC)
  • Liverpool John Moores University, UK
  • University of Wisconsin Wisconsin Oshkosh College of Nursing Accelerated Program
  • University of Florida
  • Ohio State University, Dept Women’s Studies
  • Johnson & Wales University
  • Georgia State University
  • University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, College of Nursing
  • University of Kentucky
  • University of Puerto Rico Graduate School of Information Sciences and Technologies
  • University of Kansas - Art Dept.
  • College of DuPage
  • Buena Vista University
  • Bowling Green State University
  • City College Norwich
  • Northwest Vista College
  • West Liberty State College
  • Mercy College
  • Squirrelverse

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Virtual world activity in UK education

Thanks to Virtual World Watch and the Eduserv Foundation who have released the latest snapshot of virtual world activity in UK Higher and Further Education. The report can be downloaded in PDF format here


This is the first snapshot survey where a significant number of respondents were supported by external, often research-based funding. The spread of funding sources is diverse, including national sources (JISC are mentioned by several respondents), European funding and non-academic sources. Of the other respondents, the majority had institutional support, e.g. from central funds, the department, or a Pro-Vice Chancellor’s fund; such funding is sometimes multi-departmental in nature.

Many respondents had either carried out some kind of teaching and learning activity, or were planning such events for the new academic year. These included collaborative learning and design, seminars, workshops, tutorials and induction courses. Several lecturers and supervisors were using Second Life to hold tutorials, or communicate with remote undergraduate or PhD students. A significant number of universities are carrying out research as to the effectiveness of using Second Life especially in teaching and learning.

Some, but not all, teaching and learning activities were assessed by the academics who carried them out, with no particular method of assessment being predominant. Positive benefits were mentioned by the majority, such as student skill acquisition, ease of communication and the ability to meet peers one would otherwise not meet. Problems such as the amount of work required to run in-world sessions were also reported.

As with previous snapshots, the two issues of obtaining funding for virtual world development, teaching and learning, and technical problems, predominated. Several respondents indicated a need for guides and tutorials, as well as a ready-to-use ‘kit’ of high quality, education-specific resources.

The general reaction of peers and academics to virtual worlds seems to have improved over time. More respondents reported largely positive, or a mixed, attitude locally and in the wider university sector. Some academics who were previously cautious or negative about the use of virtual worlds in education become more positive after using the technology, or seeing the benefits. Funding for research and virtual world projects has also had a positive effect on academic attitudes.

Looking ahead, most respondents who chose to answer thought that virtual worlds were more likely to be a ‘mainstream’ feature of UK education, rather than a ‘niche’ or ‘novelty’. However, several of these respondents felt this would be a gradual long-term development over several years.

Many respondents had used, or were considering examining, virtual worlds and online environments other than Second Life. A dozen such applications were cited. Of these three were mentioned by far the most: Google Lively, Wonderland and OpenSim. Lively was found to be disappointing in terms of education-relevant functionality, Wonderland had considerable communication potential, and OpenSim had attractive options for creating a closed virtual environment.

This theme, that Second Life is not the only option for teaching, learning and other educational activities in virtual environments, will be explored in future snapshots and activities of Virtual World Watch.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City: Beyond Space and Time is a partnership between the Palace Museum and IBM. The goal of the project is to provide the means for a world-wide audience to celebrate and explore aspects of Chinese culture and history. The Virtual Forbidden City is a 3-dimensional virtual world where visitors from around the world can experience the Forbidden City in Beijing.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Teaching tools for Second Life

We have compiled a collection of tools we have used for teaching in SL. Some are a bit technical, but all are pretty useful. You are welcome to download here.

Teacher guide

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Second classroom

Second Classroom is a project to explore ways in which educators can create projects for students using immersive media such as Second Life, MMORPG and social networks to create authentic learning.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Linking virtual worlds

Quite an interesting development in connecting people with one single avatar to many virtual worlds.

Myrl is a cross-world entertainment platform, bringing virtual worlds and their users together on the web. We are building a layer on top of each virtual world, linking them up to create an integrated playground with endless possibilities and applications.

The first release of Myrl is focused on social virtual worlds and connects users from 19 worlds like Second Life, Lively, Entropia and There. Check out the complete map of the worlds supported here.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Student orientation to SL and University Life

We have almost completed an orientation for 400 freshman students joining our Department. Started 3 weeks before the new semester, with 16 SL workshops in our computer lab first, then the last 2 weeks fully in SL.

The program consisted of 7 individual learning activities: learning styles, multiple intelligences, active learning, academic honesty, classroom etiquette, citing references and room design. Plus 3 competitions - parachuting, through the hoops and fashion show, and 8 live sessions on learning challenges, plagiarism, library and open Q&A finishing with a dance night tomorrow after the fashion show.

For details of the program see: and you are welcome to visit our campus island and have a go at some of the activities. We have been using a couple of chat bots to help with some of the activities and also employed some student helpers to assist and support students on a roster basis so someone was always around from 9am to 9pm every day. Our island is called HKPolyu campus at

Monday, August 04, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Flying to the moon - Teleporting across virtual worlds

"Staff of Linden Labs, the creators of virtual world Second Life, and IBM announced last night that they have achieved the first recorded teleport of their avatars from one virtual world into another. Researchers from the two companies teleported avatars from the Second Life Preview Grid to an OpenSim virtual world." This could be the beginning of a real interaction between virtual worlds and make it possible for many of the millions of users/avatars to experience other virtual environments.

"While unaffiliated parties have created versions of this process before, Linden says theirs is the first effort to achieve trans-world teleportation without logging out of one world and logging in to the other. No virtual goods were transported across the barrier, a major concern for Second Lifers concerned with virtual property theft and rapid depreciation of their assets' value." (from Linden Labs reported in Read Write Web

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Journal of Virtual worlds

Here is the link to the journal

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

This looks to be a very useful source of research in VW:

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research has just launched its first issue. "JVWR is an online, open access academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is a transdisciplinary journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect virtual worlds research."

Vol 1, No 1: Virtual Worlds Research: Past, Present and Future. This is the inaugural edition of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research and is published by the Texas Digital Library with Jeremy Kemp editor.

Chapters that interest me include:
  • Toward a definition of virtual worlds
  • Avatars Are For Real: Virtual Communities and Public Spheres
  • A Typology of Virtual Worlds: Historical Overview and Future Directions
  • Virtual communities - exchanging ideas through computer bulletin boards
  • 3D3C Real Virtual Worlds Defined: The Immense Potential of Merging 3D, Community, Creation, and Commerce
  • How Open Source Software Will Affect Virtual Worlds
2nd Issue: Social Identity and Consumer Behavior in Virtual Worlds
3rd Issue: Culture of Virtual Worlds

Well done Jeremy for getting this going

Friday, May 16, 2008

Virtual Plants on Mobile Phones

This project is called the "green tamagotchi project". The idea is to take care of a plant on your mobile phone - change light, put water, some fertilizer, and see the growth of a virtual plant. After some days you'll get a beautiful plant with green leaves and flowers. You could then send it to your wife for her birthday...

See the story here: Virtual Worlds

Monday, April 07, 2008

Private, Secure Sims & Open Source

MUVE Forward by Topher Zwiers: A New Hype Curve for SL: Private, Secure Sims & Open Source

An interesting post by 'Topher Zwiers' on MUVE Forward blog. He discusses the opening up of SL to commercial enterprizes for collaborative work. He says "this move by Linden Lab and IBM focuses on the collaboration potential of Second Life for global organizations: reducing travel costs, increasing communication, establishing deeper relationships within an organization, etc."

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Lectures in Second Life

Yesterday SHTM held its first virtual Professor-for-a-day in the PolyU virtual campus. Prof Patti Shock from Harrah Hotel College at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, gave a unique lecture from the USA to Hong Kong students in PolyU. At 9.30am Hong Kong time, Prof Shock joined us at 5.30pm in Las Vegas to make a presentation on Marketing & Promotion Strategy for Meetings.
Using the virtual world of Second Life Prof Shock was able to give a live talk with powerpoint presentation in the virtual campus. Students both in the lecture theatre in Hong Kong as well as virtually from their laptops elsewhere were able to join the session. After a 40 minute presentation, students asked questions about virtual meetings, marketing strategies and promotion, and feedback and further discussion took place.

Students were also asked to give their feedback to this virtual lecture, and 20 percent found it a 'very interesting experience' with the remainder saying it was 'interesting' and 61 percent said they enjoyed virtual learning. Comments on the experience included, "It eliminates the time and geographical barriers, especially useful for the meeting industry where time and cost is a major concern...once a semester is enough for a virtual lecture, it would be boring if we had a virtual lecture every week...human interaction cannot be replaced."

This was the first time SHTM has used Second Life for a lecture, which demonstrated the ability to bring together teachers and students from two continents in one classroom. On 15 April we will hold a virtual conference with an event planner from the USA giving a demonstration of how virtual meetings and conferences take place.

Second Life is a Multi User Virtual Environment (a virtual world) where the users or residents create the content and activities. It is currently being used or tested by over 400 universities around the world, and SHTM/PolyU is the first in Asia to develop a full campus and offer a number of courses in Second Life. We are also collaborating with other universities overseas and departments in PolyU to pilot new teaching ideas and develop best practices in teaching and learning in virtual worlds.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Virtual conferencing in Second Life

A commercial Second Life conferencing service, has some useful ideas about what and how to do it.

"Using the on-line virtual world Second Life, Conference Island provides a far more enjoyable meeting experience than video conferencing and is without doubt better value for money. And it out-performs telephone hook-ups because it is so visually stimulating.

It's about more enjoyable meetings. It's about putting people in the same room at the same time, even though they work in different parts of the world. Think about this: through Second Life you will give them a sense of shared space. Face to face across a table, dangling their feet in a swimming pool or flying on a magic carpet." Read more here.

Snapshot below of virtual meeting between PolyU students (HK) and staff from Rixos Hotel Group, Turkey

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Proceedings from NMC Conference on SL & Virtual Worlds

The conference proceedings from the 2007 NMC Summer Conference in Indianapolis on Second Life and virtual worlds is available from NMC. The papers are available here as a free PDF download, full colour, hyperlinked, with embedded video - a useful read.

Table of contents:

  • The Arts Metaverse in Open Croquet: Exploring an Open Source 3-D Online Digital World
  • Beyond World of Warcraft: the Universe of MMOGs
  • ClevelandPlus in Second Life
  • Folksemantic: Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching and Learning
  • I Taught It, Bought It at the Game Store: Repurposing Commercial Games for Education
  • Multi-threaded Interactive Storytelling for Literary Journalism
  • Out of the Cave or Further In? The Realities of Second Life
  • Pleasure, Play, Participation and Promise: Socio-emotional Dimensions of Digital Culture Which Are Transforming the Shape of New Media Literacies
  • Searching for an Ideal Live Video Streaming Technology
  • Selling through Storytelling: The Tale of New Media Advertising in Consumer Culture
  • Stereoscopic Visualization of Scientific and Medical Education
  • Student Video Projects: Supporting the Beginning, the Middle, and the End
  • Supporting Authors of Digital Case Stories to Engage Faculty with Innovative Teaching Practices
  • Teaching Field Research in a Virtual World
  • A View from Second Life’s Trenches: Are You a Pioneer or a Settler?
  • The Yale Galapagos Project

Friday, March 14, 2008

The 3D Web and Virtual Worlds

Interesting post about the future of virtual worlds. There is a move to make the independent worlds able to interface with each other as part of a virtual 3D web. Thanks to Stephen Downes for the link to this paper from: "Today's virtual worlds represent the first phase of 3D Web. Dedicated servers running their own virtual worlds are to 3D Web what MySpace is to today's Web. In the future, 3D Web will be a network of virtual worlds that are owned by various entities. The success of virtual worlds will depend on factors such as openness, enterprise-strength platforms, vibrant communities, and a portfolio of services." Read the paper here.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Amazing artwork

I just had to feature this amazing artwork from Chris Jordan. Chris explains that his series looks at contemporary American culture through the lens of statistics. Each image portrays a specific quantity of something: fifteen million sheets of office paper (five minutes of paper use); 106,000 aluminum cans (thirty seconds of can consumption) and so on... Statistics can feel abstract and anesthetizing, making it difficult to connect with and make meaning of 3.6 million SUV sales in one year, for example, or 2.3 million Americans in prison, or 410,000 paper cups used every fifteen minutes. This project visually examines these vast and bizarre measures of our society, in large intricately detailed prints assembled from thousands of smaller photographs. The underlying desire is to emphasize the role of the individual in a society that is increasingly enormous, incomprehensible, and overwhelming.

Picture depicts 106,000 aluminum cans, the number used in the US every thirty seconds.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Where does teaching stop and learning start in SL?

Some very useful discussion going on in SLED mailing list about the suitability or otherwise of Second Life for education. I will try and summarize some of the key ideas here to keep a note for future reference. This one from Paul of Language Lab:

"There isn’t one size fits all approach so to what extent this applies to your area is for you to judge. When we built Language lab we were unsure exactly what role the formal classroom would play. However we thought we should include a few and they formed the starting point for our systematic (learning about what is appropriate for our type of) teaching 8 months ago. Here is what happened…

Within about a month of classes meeting twice a week we had exhausted what the virtual classroom could offer:

  • tutor led discussion? Tick
  • pair and group work before reporting back to whole class? Tick
  • presentations using whiteboards? Tick
  • break out groups coming back to lead presentations? Tick
  • reading, listening comprehension? Tick
  • excursions and then back to the classroom? Tick
  • video? Tick

Then we said – fine, we’ve done that but aren’t we restricting ourselves unnecessarily? Students said – this is great but why don’t we ‘get out’ more? Since then we have hardly had anyone in a formal classroom. Our classes which are either context specific speaking skills or functional / situational orientated have been in park, art gallery, museum, hotel, wine bar, cafe, nightclub etc etc etc. Usually a combination: start in the cafe (reflective / chat / introduce topic) and move to the clinic or the hotel depending on the class aim.

A classroom is only a convention for a RL gathering place. It can be deconstructed into a collection of functions and the teacher can carry around a projector (yes, they have their uses of course), chairs, board etc in their virtual pocket to take advantage of where they happen to be if that isn’t already allowed for. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to build whole neighbourhoods with specific functions so use holodecking. The same approach applies though…

For our purposes it has also been our experience that some places are clearly more functional / transactional , some are purely social and some work happily as both. Main thing for us is not to get hung up on absolutes. Rather see what works and doesn’t and take note."

Many thanks to Paul for this useful insight.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Real Hotel Activity Updates in SL

Hotel chains are stepping into the virtual world as a part of their development strategy. Is it for real? Neeti Mehra from Sunverse gives an update on two hotel groups using Second Life.

(caption: relaxing on the piano in the lobby of the PolyU Virtual Hotel)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Demographics of Virtual World users

Kzero Research has a useful blog post about the uniqueness of Second Life..." it’s not just the buildings and landscape. It’s the things that happen around them - commerce, education, meetings, groups, events and the depth of content creation. It’s a living, breathing environment." Read the full post here, and their graphic of the registered users of various virtual worlds users by age group.

Virtuality and reality 'to merge'

Speaking at the Games Development Conference in San Francisco, leading inventor Ray Kurzweil predicted that the virtual and real worlds will merge and that 'virtual' is a misnomer.

"In virtual worlds we do real romance, real learning, real business. Virtual reality is real reality." he said. "Games are the cutting edge of what is happening - we are going to spend more of our time in virtual reality environments."

"Fully emergent games is really where we want to go. We will do most of our learning through these massively parallel interactions. Play is how we principally learn and principally create."

Do you agree? Read the BBC's summary of his talk here.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

UNLV and PolyU meet up in SL

Yesterday I met up with colleagues who teleported in from the US and Canada to exchange ideas on what we are all doing in the world of Second Life. It was great to have Patti Shock and Mauri Collins from University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Dan Parks (creator of MeCo Mansion and Virtualis Convention Centre) from Vancouver and Gloria Nelson (Gloria Nelson Event Design) from Wisconsin, visit us in Hong Kong.

They arrived at our virtual PolyU campus at 8 am (HK time) and around 4 pm (US Pacific time) for a tour, and then flew to our new ‘resort hotels’ on the island next door.

We then flew over to tour Dan’s remarkable and beautifully designed MeCo Mansion. Dan has created both an innovative setting with a range of communication and technology tools to use in Second Life. Later he showed us around the Virtualis Convention and Learning Centre, the largest public convention center in Second Life with state-of-the art virtual facilities with educational breakout rooms, a grand ballroom, exhibition hall and the Eisenstodt Learning and Community Matters Center.

Dan has kindly offered to let educational institutions use the Centre for training and educating students in the meetings, events and hospitality fields at no charge. We finished our tour by swimming in the pool on Gloria's yacht Victoria and watching the pyrotechnics from the cockpit of the yacht.

During the visit some of my colleagues came into the office to see what was going on, and found they knew each other from previous real world meetings in the US and elsewhere. We were able to link up with Karin Weber and David Jones from Hong Kong PolyU, Dan Hawkins (Washington State Uni) and other PolyU colleagues who wandered in during the 3 hours of discussion, chat and exploration. All in all, a very interesting and informative time spend in the virtual world...and now back to work!

See snapshots of the tour and also Patti's blog posting on their visit

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Creating Museum Content and Community in Second Life

For educational and museum communities, a social Internet can allow you to stay in touch with community members and casual audiences and design and present content that’s relevant for and interesting to them in a personal way. Multi-user 3D virtual worlds allow ‘face to face’ interaction between Internet users in spaces that are representational, abstract, or completely imaginary.
Visitors are not just bringing usernames; they’re residents who can express an identity and demonstrate their interest in your museum’s ideas, creations, and challenges. That persistence of identity and level of expressiveness through character design, chat, and gesture allows both museum staff and participants to make important social connections that, for many, are not as easily made or maintained on the 2D Web.

An interesting paper from the Exploratorium by Rothfarb and Doherty on creating content and community in Second Life

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Second Life Annotated Bibliography

Second Life Annotated Bibliography

An evolving bibliography with a range of the more interesting, relevant, and popular sites about education in Second Life.

Monday, February 18, 2008

MUVE Forward: Real Life Education in Second Life by Topher Zwiers: Investigating the Learning Power of Second Life

This is a very timely article by Topher Zweiers on how Second Life educational development is progressing from the design of infrastructure and artifacts into the educational uses of virtual worlds for learning.He says, "What are some ways in which the effort required [to use Second Life for a learning activity] and benefits received [by learners] could be measured?"
MUVE Forward: Real Life Education in Second Life by Topher Zwiers: Investigating the Learning Power of Second Life: "Learning Power = Attention * Depth * Efficiency"

Another useful insight from the Sloan-C group workshop says, "If 'technology toys become our tools,' time will enable us to distinguish between wishful thinking and a genuinely useful solution. The true measure will not be how many colleges, universities, groups, wikis, blogs, listservs, and islands are dedicated to SL and virtual worlds in general, but the adoption and application of learning using this medium over a sustained period of time"

20 Trends Defining Virtual Worlds

This article deals with trends defining virtual worlds in 2007, much seems still relevant for 2008. Here are the key trends:

1. Shedloads of virtual worlds will be launched in 2008.
2. Teen-focused virtual worlds are huge.
3. Brands still get it wrong.
4. There's a problem with communication.
5. There will be big growth in corporate use of virtual worlds.
6. Virtual items will be a big moneyspinner.
7. Mobile is a bit of a wildcard.
8. Governments are waking up to virtual worlds.
9. Is it an online game or a virtual world, or both?
10. China is getting into virtual worlds.
11. Interoperability is important.
12. Advertising is another wild card.
13. Virtual worlds need to become easier to use.
14. Media streaming is more common, but strangely low-profile.
15. Social networking convergence.
16. Which brands should set up their own virtual worlds?
17. Different approaches to graphical realism.
18. Booze and fags.
19. Is Second Life going to stay a niche?
20. Nobody talks about sex.

Read the full article here.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cruising in Second Life

Thought you might be interested in the virtual cruise ship (for field trips) now available. Maybe we can offer field trips for the classes? See news item below.

The SS Galaxy is a luxury ocean liner that is probably the single largest build ever to land within the realm of Second Life. Spanning three entire sims it is the creation of builder Bill Stirling.

Stirling had the idea for the ship build almost two years ago but didn’t get the chance to build it until he was contacted by Galaxy’s owner Nova Straffe. Beginning in February of this year,

Stirling has been working constantly on the ship, he said. “I really wanted to build something different for Second Life,”Stirling said. It looks as though he has accomplished his goal, for nowhere in SL is there a fully functional cruise ship of such massive proportions. It is in real life terms 1950 feet in overall length, making it 818 ft longer than the Queen Mary2.

Adorned in the style of the romantic cruise ships of the past, it is more of a floating palace than a ship. Hidden among the eight decks are large open spaces and cozy nooks. State rooms and suites are available for rent by the week or the month.

Over forty shops line the lower deck with designers from all over SL selling their wares and restaurants that make the stay on the ship inviting. The Japanese restaurant is more like a little quaint village than an eatery. An indoor pool with a sauna/steam room and a full-service work-out room complete with treadmills and tanning beds await the weary SL traveler. The luxury liner boasts a classic onboard casino.

The Zodiac Ballroom is a massive mid-ship area, which will host live jazz and dancing events.

Another club on board is the Boiler Room. According to Captain Seaton Skolnick, “The Boiler Room has that rustic Russian industrial look.”

Outside there is a pool deck where many events are also planned. There will be live streaming video during certain events sent to all three sims. A running track spans the upper deck’s perimeter.

Second Life residents can also "tie the knot" in the deluxe wedding chapel. The Galaxy’s chapel has high ceilings and rows of ornate columns. Adjacent to the chapel sits the Reception Garden , decorated with an array of plants and a fountain. Next to that is the Reception Hall where guests can congregate and chat about the ceremony. Honeymoon suites can also be arranged.

“This ship was built to live on and to play on. It is a fully functional cruise ship with everything one could ask for,” Skolnick said.

“The Inaugural cruise is called 'The Cruise to Nowhere' because nothing this large can move in SL,” Stirling joked. “For those hardcore seafaring types there is a joke done with the navigational lights, red, white, red, meaning 'Restricted in the Ability to Maneuver.'”

Second Life: the new Disney or vaporville?

Is Second Life the future? Or a cul de sac? On balance, there is in Second Life lots to like and lots to loathe. But I believe two things are clear. We now have proof of concept. And as Second Life supplies real opportunities for engagement and sorting, this social world will expand at pace, supplying in the longer term, every kind of cultural innovation and commercial opportunity.
A very interesting analysis of SL from Grant McCracken: Second Life: the new Disney or Vaporville?

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Comparing synchronous 2D and 3D learning

Designing a 3D learning event

Very helpful checklist on designing 3D educational events, from Karl Kap

Prior to Class

* Make sure everyone can access the 3D world prior to the actual event...have a "dry run" exercise.(technical specs, fire walls and other requirements need to be addressed for all learners to be engaged during the event.)
* Send plenty of advance notices about when and where to meet.
* Set up a site outside of 3D world for correspondences and messages (like a wiki).
* Make sure learners have an avatar prior to class.
* Encourage learners to explore the 3D world prior to class so they are somewhat oriented to class.


* Make sure everyone can do basic navigation. Start with an orientation exercise.
* In Second Life (SL), make sure avatars are off of the Orientation Island.
* In SL, provide a SURL to transport students to place for instruction
* Regardless of the instructional exercise/archetype, create a gathering place for learners for pre or post briefings.
* Establish some method to speak (or text) to the entire group.
* In SL, consider whether or not you want to permit flying.

During the Class Activity

* Make instructions are clear (vague instructions are hard to follow, provide them in written format if possible…in SL, use a note card.)
* Provide a time limit for the instructional exercise.
* As the instructor, go group to group to see how the learners are doing and to answer any questions specific to a particular group (if a group exercise).
* If the setting is more classroom-oriented, provide a mechanism for hand raising and for developing an orderly method of call on students.
* Establish rules of behavior in terms of gestures, sounds, building.

After Class

* Conduct a debriefing.
* Make future assignments clear so everyone understands.
* Assign in-world activities outside of class to keep learners involved with 3D world when class is not officially meeting.
* Provide opportunities for after class, informal, peer-to-peer learning and exchange of information.

Educational uses of Second Life

China cafe in Second Life - English language for Chinese speakers

Today, the China Cafe officially opened in the virtual reality environment “Second Life” ( on the Info International sim. The purpose of this cafe is to provide English language instruction for Chinese persons. It will also be a forum for Chinese speakers to mingle with native English speakers to practice conversational English. This pagoda-shaped building features a garden with three types of tea, a classroom, a library, a meeting area, and a tai chi meditation rooftop area.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

13 Tips for Virtual World Teaching

13 Tips for Virtual World Teaching - from Campus Technology

Don't look now, but multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs) are gaining momentum as the latest and greatest learning tool in the world of education technology. How do you get started with them? How do they work? Arm yourself with these 13 secrets from immersive education experts and educators, and you, too, can have real success implementing these new tools and technologies on your own campus.