The program consisted of 7 individual learning activities: learning styles, multiple intelligences, active learning, academic honesty, classroom etiquette, citing references and room design. Plus 3 competitions - parachuting, through the hoops and fashion show, and 8 live sessions on learning challenges, plagiarism, library and open Q&A finishing with a dance night tomorrow after the fashion show.

For details of the program see: and you are welcome to visit our campus island and have a go at some of the activities. We have been using a couple of chat bots to help with some of the activities and also employed some student helpers to assist and support students on a roster basis so someone was always around from 9am to 9pm every day. Our island is called HKPolyu campus at
Hi Paul
I'm coming over to Hong Kong next month (12 - 26 Oct) and hope we can meet up for lunch / drinks? I've sent a message in KnowledgeGarden with more information + my email address.
Penny Gardner (from USQ, graduated last September)
Look forward to seeing you - my email is phone 2766-4092
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